Your Financial Wellbeing

Lead Product Designer
A B2B product that helps company employees book financial coaches, provides personalised learning resources and retail discounts.
This project is coming soon.
Check back for more details.

Project Overview

The goal of this project was to create a B2B financial wellbeing platform that a sales team could sell as part of an existing subscription service for employees to SMEs.

Users needed to be able to perform tasks like signing in, reading education hub articles, booking sessions with financial coaches and accessing financial advice on investments and mortgages.

The service would eventually be white labelled so the UI needed to be built with very simple styles and components to accommodate this.

This project had to be a very quick turnaround and we were working with a non technical team that weren’t used to working in such an agile way. We needed to take them with us through the product development process and ensure any tooling was simple and easy to use for them.

Rapid MVP

Speed to MVP was key as clients were lined up and waiting for the service to be live.

The concept for this project had already been validated with existing customers through a prototype so we had a validated base to start from.

Initial discovery

I conducted an initial discovery session to gather basic requirements from key stakeholders, and leverage previous learnings.

Working closely with the product and marketing teams, I mapped out the site structure and we refined the requirements.

A design system for consistency and speed

I established a small design system early to maintain consistency throughout the product and help to ensure the speed whilst designing.

This could then be moved into Webflow to ensure the final product matched designs.

Warp speed delivery

Showing our vision

As the problem was well understood and the risk for the project was low I jumped straight into hifi designs using Figma.

I transformed the requirements into production ready screens. After finalising the designs and conducting basic usability testing on we were ready to build.

With time as a critical constraint in this project, moving from Figma to a fully functional product was key.

I moved on to Webflow to build the site. This included a full CMS, user management and appointment booking functionality.

The entire design-to-build process was completed in 11 working days.

Embedding existing tools

Clients required the ability to book sessions with financial coaches. 

I used a Microsoft Bookings embed which linked directly to the coaches Outlook calendars to check availability and schedule meetings in their diaries.

Although MS Bookings isn’t perfect, it’s simple and is already being used by the team so no training or adoption of a new tool would be required.

Empowering non technical teams

Blogs, podcasts and webinars would be on site to provide users with a resource to learn about managing their money. 

I chose to build this site on Webflow because of its powerful and easy to use CMS. We used Finsweet to achieve complex filter and search functionality.

I didn’t need any developers to achieve this as it could all be built within Webflow.

User management without developers

Users needed to be able to login to the site to be able to use the services available to them.

The original plan was to use Auth0 to be able to manage user access. After estimation for this came from our development team as months, we looked for another option to expedite the process.

I used the simple beta built in account feature in Webflow. A member of the team would need to manually add and remove users but this was an acceptable compromise for MVP.

Want to learn more?
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This project was by no means perfect and there were significant challenges that we faced throughout.

Delivery time was a major factor and competing priorities meant that aligning the marketing, product and design team to get this over the line on time was difficult.

As this project moved so quickly it was easy to get out of sync with the other teams involved. I solved this by implementing daily stand-ups, creating a single source of truth board on and focused on getting feedback as early as possible from the wider team.

The delivery date was hit on time and a large client was able to be onboarded. Our development team were estimating that this would take them months. To be able to release an MVP in such a short time with no developer assistance was a real win.

Once the project was completed we ran a retro to look at the issues and created action points to resolve them before the next project.